WretchWorld Classic
Pokemon X Badgequest update!
Posted on Mar 2, 2025 at 2:33 AM
Hello! Before I give an update on the badgequest I wanted to talk about Monster Hunter Wilds cause I have been playing quite a bit of that when I have time! The game is awesome, one of the best raw experiences I have had exploring and hunting different monsters, it has been a blast. The one aspect that has soured the game a bit for me though is the constant dialog and on rails walking sections... I am literally taking a break from a multi-hour session right now cause I have zero desire to go see another fucking cutscene or walk through a pretty area I want to explore while I can't do much lol. It is almost certainly one of the best Monster Hunters but good god the story has a bit of a problem with pacing. That being said when it is time to just hunt, its a blast, so I fully recommend if you like monster hunter or want to give it a shot (unless ur on pc, wait until they patch performance, it is ROUGH)
With that out of the way it is time to give a Pokemon X badgequest update. So for the past few days inbetween hunting and preparing a speech, I have been divising a final and perfect target list! Along with setting up for my next hunt. While I didn't want to have a solid plan, I figured it would be fine once I got through what should be the longest hunt by hours spent with Froakie. Then Furfrou showed up in 22 and now im 2 targets in and it was definitely time to do it.
So some explanations. Gym 1 and 2 have a massive amount of game time between them, and I have been wanting to hunt both furfrou and a fossil in these games for a long time, combined with furfrous insanely quick hunt I decided to tack on Tyrunt here! That means there will be 9 total instead of 8 but oh well. Getting the Tyrunt fossil was a bit of a time sink since I figured if you get 3 identical fossils you actually save time, but it took about 2.5 hours per save to reach the fossil point! Now, Eevee will of course become a Sylveon, since she has such a great shiny. And the Lucario will be the gift Lucario with shiny locke removal! Hopefully I can start on Tyrunt tonight!
What the fuck
Posted on Feb 28, 2025 at 5:46 AM
okay I will make a proper post later since I don't have a photo but I just started my next target in the X badgequest and I am in disbelief, I just got a shiny furfrou, the fucking target, in 22 encounters. I am not even kidding, I just finished figuring out the encounter time and it just appeared I am in awe. I have never had this level of luck before...
Pokemon Presents 2/27/25
Posted on Feb 28, 2025 at 4:20 AM
Oh my god this might be the best pokemon presents we have gotten in a long while, not to say others have been bad but very rarely have we gotten interesting news outside of the mainline AND a trailer for the new game! Pokemon champions looks absolutely incredible, I love Battle Revolution and have always enjoyed when they make games that focus on some of the individual parts of the series (think pokemon ranch, stadium, sleep etc.). I can definitely understand why some people are a bit hesitant about the software being paid but I personally think it will probably function a lot like stadium, XD/Colo, and Battle Revolution did over the years. The mention of pokemon being available in the game itself also has me pretty excited! Generally any spin on the main series that is fun, dynamic, and looks cool (like this trailer did) I am all fucking in on!
I have not gotten a chance to mention it here yet, but I am a huge fan of the Pokemon TCG. I do enjoy collecting but thats for from attainable anymore with the current state of the market but my absolutely main joy of the series has always been the game itself! The Mega reveal has me hyped. Those cards were always so cool looking and always seemed incredibly powerful. Though I lack personal experience of the comp scene in the era that they were around, they always seemed incredibly clunky to me, so I like the pivot to better EX's with more prize drawback. I feel like this is the fourth gimmick we have seen introduced in this era though, and frankly I can't really remember any that have actually impacted the meta. Terapagos has been pretty good for what its worth, and we have yet to see the trainers pokemon in action in the US tho so I am hopefully wrong about that. I do think however this will be either super fun or super annoying... just like the team up mons of the past lol. Whatever the case though I am all in and unless the scalpers decide to make my life hell, I will be making some mega decks later this year!!
Now for the most important part! Z/A!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my god it looks so good. Obviously I am not dull to the fact that it is behind many many many modern games but yk what I am just happy to see them actually put more time and effort into the games after Scarlet and Violet. I loved those games to death but lets be honest, the only part of the visuals that looked nice were the trainers and the pokemon. It is nice to see an upgrade to the visuals of the enviroment and I have faith. I love the starters, I love the location, I loved the characters (Especially AZ), I loved the wild areas, and I absolutely love the battle mechanic they introduced. I am a little hesitant on it, as I did not really enjoy Legends Arceus battle styles BUT this is something I have wanted to see in a pokemon game since I was a kid and even thought id probably disagree with kid me's opinon on pokemon its only fair I give it a shot first! Megas look so fucking good with that rainbow effect, the interiors look so well designed and carefully put together, seeing the isnide of the looker building again was nice, just in general these games seem so promising. I am a tad reluctant about the setting being inside a city all by itself but I feel like we have way too little info to actually start worrying about that now. In my opinion I assume it will be fine, they seperated the city map in XY and if they scale it right I definitely think it is feasible to make three big areas to explore, not to mention the potential for the resort area to make a return (the battle tower tease at the end for example) and for them to introduce some new underground. Whatever the case, I am incredibly excited and everything about this game looks so cool. I think we have a great year of pokemon ahead of us... kind of a good time to start a pokemon blog :P
Posted on Feb 27, 2025 at 6:11 AM
First of all, happy pokemon day to all. I don't have much else to say on the topic currently as the pokemon presents hasn't happened yet, but as I am trying to celebrate (before monster hunter wilds consumes me lol) I wanted to absolutely crazy shiny hunting today... well Shiny Froakie had other ideas as he shined on this early morning after just 3,540 soft resets!!! I have wanted to get a shiny gen 6 starter basically since 2014 so to finally get to see the Shauna cutscene with sparkles was incredible. So happy to have this lil cutie, and sorry Fennekin that it was not you but maybe next time (if I can ever convince myself to do this hunt again lol). See you all later!
Pokemon X Shiny Badgequest
Posted on Feb 23, 2025 at 9:45 PM
Okay before the foongus post I mentioned how I intended to start a special project on monday, well... I didn't lol. It has been a pretty busy week but I did start it this week, and as the title suggests its a Pokemon X badgequest! While Black and White were the games I first found a shiny, Pokemon X and Y were the first games I really started to shiny hunt. With Pokemon Z-A over the horizon and a real urge to hunt I thought now would be a fun and timely moment to start a badgequest. I was a bit hesitant to call it a badgequest because the idea of going for 8 shinies in one save was daunting, but I felt like the 1/4096 were too low and I had too many potential targets to not at least try. Worst comes to worst this will simply be a dream team quest in a few months but we shall cross that bridge when we need to lol. I am super excited to jump back into a badgequest, the last one I did was in B2W2 and after a grueling 32k encounters on my first member (I will discuss this one day lol, I have a pretty funny video) I lost most motivation. BUT this time that hopefully will not happen, lol... Hopefully I can have a few updates soon but before I go I want to share some of my targets and what I am currently hunting!.
I am usually not the type to hunt for starters in badge quests or DTQ because I find them pretty overdone, but this time I really wanted to find a shiny froakie/fennekin. I have hunted both before in the X/Y soft resets but the long cutscene detered me, this time around though they are oddly enjoyable. Since the soft resets take so long I decided it would be fun to do something a little out of the ordinary and I will be switching targets every 1,000 resets. I am currently in the 1300's going for shiny Froakie so maybe, like last time, I will be rushing back to tell you how I got one lol.
For the other targets, I only really have two more in mind. Those being Furfrou and Xerneas with shiny-locke removal.Furfrou being customizable in this game is just too good to pass up and considering its a solid party member as well theres no way I miss a chance to hunt one and Xerneas is simply just one of the best shinies ever so can't skip her. Along with those I do want to do a horde hunt and possibly soft reset for a fossil-mon but otherwise I think I am just going to play it by ear. Hopefully I will be back soon, but if not I will at least have some more to say after the pokemon presents this week, which I am eagerly anticipating. Bye for now!!
Shiny Foongus at 9,898 Encounters!!!
Posted on Feb 17, 2025 at 3:26 AM
Oh my god did NOT expect to be posting again soon but I guess my prediction at the end of my last post was too good for the shiny gods to pass up lol! I just found a shiny Foongus after 9,898 encounters!!! now I apologize, the photos are a tad blurry, my phone was about to die and I was in a rush to get them lol but yay! This is just phase 1 of course as im still aiming for shiny watchog but foongus is the rarest encounter in the area so I am by no means upset, I love this lil purple guy!!
PS. I dont quite have the formatting for this site designed yet so the picture looks a bit out of place but a better picture and a better layout will soon be available lol, bye for now...
Shiny Hunting Logs: Watchog
Posted on Feb 17, 2025 at 2:12 AM
Okay awesome first blog post! this is not the super official full explanation i was planning to give about the sites transition yada yada but wahteever I wanna talk pokemoN!!! So for the past few days I have been hunting for a shiny watchog in pokemon black and white. A kind of bland pokemon ill admit that I haven't really seen anyone else hunt for before (im sure people have i just cant remember the last time I knew it was someones target) so you may be wondering why. Well, watchog was my first shiny ever. At some point over the years he has been lost, unfortunately. My best guess is I transfered him to my sisters save at some point and then just eventually misplaced him, but I never really knew what befell that poor feller. For the last few years I have been planning to hunt for him, but had yet to get to doing so and as much as I would like to say im doing it this week for some special reason, I can't... lol. I just felt like it was finally time to go get him. I am currently sat at 9,500 encounters on route 7 in Unove but I shan't falter!. Tomorrow I am planning to begin a special project pertaining to pokemon that I can share here, but until then I don't have much else to share. Bye for now everyone, hopefully a shiny can shock me and I can make a incredibly quick follow up post lol !!
ReDux 2025
Posted on Feb 14, 2025 at 6:19 AM
This is a work in progress redux of Wretch World. As the website sits dorment and I unable to progress because of simple roadblocks bugging me (i have been in over my head making this site since i started lol) I am rehashing what once was into a nice fun little pokemon blog. I hope to chronicle my challenge runs, general life experiences involing pokemon, my feelings on pokemon news and such, and most importantly.... my shiny hunts. As of now, and as im sure is very clear, this is incredible bare bones. The goal is to simply give myself a stepping stone to go off of so that in the near future i can build it up. that being said, i have zero goals in mind other than using this website for the rest of 2025. I hope i can do some redesigning, maybe work in a new color palette, but for now this is what we got, a test sidebar to the left, a test sidebar to the right, and all this empty space in the middle lol. This will not go public until my next blog entry, but for when it does, I just want to say thank you to those who have visited my site in the past, if you are returning thank you. It was incredibly fun building wretch world years ago and had been fun building it up and updating it with new stuff i found fun. I dont want the old wretch world to just up and disappear forever, so access to the original homepage will at some point soon be available, but as of now this is the new wretch world.
I will make a pinned/permanent access blog post in the coming days but for now I do want to clarify a proper introduction, explanation, and general website fixes will be coming soon. For now though, I am going back to WretchWorld roots of barebones concepts