see for the original project.
see for an interlaced version with radiostream.
see for a right-click fullscreen with music.

butterchurn.js example

in the document parameters will load an audio file or stream. the user must press play.

in this example attached:
right click / push longer than 500 msec on mobile

left click / tap shorter than 500 msec on mobile
change preset

needed: (* indicates changes were made)
* streaming or file source with HTTP Headers set to "Access-Control-Allow-Origin: *" (being a star, shift-8)
on the webserver to contain a HTTP Header that allows you to use the mp3 on * all (or your) pages.
* butterchurn.js
- set the location in the script src header below
- as of now contains my editing version, see attached for this working
- edit butterchurn.js var section at begin of file to set screen size, if not in stylesheet, z-index (layout order)
- default: 100x100 "98" "1" fullscreen=false
butterchurn.min.js - see attached
- set the location in the script src header below
butterchurnExtraImages.min.js - see attached
- set the location in the script src header below
butterchurnPresets.min.js - see attached
- set the location in the script src header below
butterchurnPresetsExtra.min.js - see attached
- set the location in the script src header below
butterchurnPresetsExtra2.min.js - see attached
- set the location in the script src header below
butterchurn_initvar.js - used to be called helper.js - see attached
- set the location in the script src header below
jquery 1.12.14.min.js works - ajax.googleapis has a slow response but can be multi-site cached
- set the location in the script src header below
not required: butterchurn_isSupported.js - old code that is in included below in this example to check if it is supported.. - loaded below
* is the newest referred by w3schools, not tested

//required: jquery 1 12 14 or something min.js here from google with a slow response time